This is driving me insane. It's only day two with no sports in our lives and I already hate the person staring back at me in the mirror. I can't even recognize myself and what I'm starting to become. I went on a run yesterday. A RUN? Screw that! I don't do physical activity, I watch others do it on TV while I eat wings and drink beer. But that's just the tip of the iceburgh (Pittsburgh spelling of the word). After I completed my run, I found myself in a very strange building. I believe they called it a "Library"? I hope I'm spelling that correctly. It's just a building full of, get this, books. No I'm serious, it's just wall to wall books. What a freakin waste. What else am I gonna do though for the next couple of months so I signed up for a membership and took out the classics "Everybody Poops" and "War and Peace". Finally, when I got home later, I actually had a conversation and paid attention to my fiance, instead of just nodding as I watch Sid fly up and down the ice. It was total bullshit. Working out, reading books and going to libraries (still not sure if I'm spelling that right), and actually being an attentive boyfriend? Puke. Sports better come back soon, cause I can't keep living like this.
(Photo Courtesy of Getty)