The Pirates are in Mid-Season Form

Spoiler alert: They did end up dropping to 0-6-1 thanks to a THIRTEEN to nothing loss at the hands of the Orioles.

I gotta be honest with you guys, I haven't been this excited about Pirates baseball since the back to back to back wild card teams. I am now rooting as hard as I possibly can for them to go winless in the Grapefruit league. That's just as, and might actually be more impressive than going undefeated right? They are currently the only team that hasn't won a single game in both the league of the Grapefruit, AND the league of the Cactus. I have to imagine that no team has ever gone winless in the history of spring training baseball. I'm not even going to take the time to look that up and make sure I'm right because there's just no chance it's happened. Until now. Hoist the F'ing colors Bucco Nation, this team is about to make history.

(Photo Courtesy of Getty Images)

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