Snitches Get Stitches

Spoken like a true cheater.

Before I get into this though, why the hell is David Ortiz giving press conferences for the Red Sox? Did I miss something here? Is he back? Is he some sort of coach now? Perhaps even the new manager? Very confusing stuff to me.

Regardless of why he's speaking, he's saying all the right things here. No one and I mean no one who has cheating in their past likes a whistle blower, and known steroid user David Ortiz is no exception to that. He should've just come right out and called Fiers a bitch, because that's what we are all thinking. Small minded people will think that the Astros cheating is what has dragged the great and clean name of Major League Baseball through the mud. But us big brained individuals like Ortiz and myself know that this is all Fiers fault. If Fiers doesn't grow a conscience, like a bitch, then this never sees the light of day, we all still love the Astros, and the great game of baseball remains pure and devoid of scandal, which has always been the case as you all well know. Kudos to you Big Papi for shining a light on the true criminal in this whole sign stealing controversy. Fiers is a snitch, and you all know what snitches get. Ortiz certainly does. He's become very familiar with stitches over the past year.

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