It was a steamy and sticky August afternoon on the back patio of a Mt. Lebanon home. Sweat started to gather on the forehead of a younger gentleman as he took a long gulp of a pumpkin beer.
“People say it’s too hot to drink this right now. I don’t care, I like it.”
Adam Crowley is weird. He admits it. He doesn’t let societal norms dictate the way he lives, or the way he conducts his highly rated radio show.
He takes pride in not taking sports, or himself, too seriously. After losing show bets, he’s had his chest waxed, bellybutton pierced, and had a tarantula placed on his face.
According to Crowley, it was his tough upbringing that led him to his irreverent nature.
Crowley, a white man, grew up in Mt. Lebanon as a part of a middle-class family.
“It was really hard sometimes. I didn’t know if my buddy would be picking me up in his dad’s Maserati or if he would...” he paused as he wiped a tear from his cheek, “Or if he would have to take his mom’s Volvo.”
Because he grew up in the mean streets of Lebo, Crowley understands that every day is a gift.
“There were a few occasions when I had to walk to school in the rain. It probably happened like once or twice. Imagine showing up to homeroom with a soggy, wrinkled Polo shirt. Kids were ruthless.”
According to his boss/playmate, Brian Lamartina, those dog days turned the afternoon talk show host into what he is now, “I’ve never seen anybody make fun of people better than Adam Crowley.”
Sure, Crowley can be quick-witted and sarcastic when it comes to defending himself or a comrade, however those who know him best swear that it’s a façade.
Lamartina recanted a moment that brought him to his knees, “I once saw (Crowley) pick up a baby bird that fell out of a nest and give it mouth to mouth. He’s a true humanitarian.”
When he was younger, Crowley was diagnosed with ADHD and an anxiety order. He was never the best in school.
“I struggled with math. I wasn’t all that great with science. I didn’t read all that much. That’s probably why they invited me to speak at the Republican National Convention.”
Ultimately it was his failure in school that led Crowley to his passion for sports.
“I couldn’t understand that three times six equaled 24, but I knew that if Jose Hernandez struck out just 12 more times in 2001, he’d have had 200 on the year!”
Who does Crowley model himself after? Well, he’s worked exclusively with Stan Savran, Mike Prisuta, and Mark Madden, but he says he just tries to be himself.
Producer, friend, and possible hazing victim Shirtless Tom Opferman said, “Crowley won’t admit it, but he’s a lot like Stan. Just, well, he’s 1,000 years younger.”
Influenced by his past, and looking to the future, Crowley says his goal is to one day be recognized by his boss in the hallway.