5-5-17 Will Sidney Crosby play in Game 5?

Sid and Sheary back at practice today, but that doesn't automatically mean they'll play in Game 5. Sure would help, though.

 I'm wondering if it might not be a bad idea to sub in a new defenseman just for tomorrow night. Some of those guys, especially Hainsey, look a bit tired. Or, as I suspect, would Mike Sullivan be loathe to change a winning lineup? Your thoughts? Phil Bourque will comment at 12:30.

If the Penguins do go on to win this series, won't the Washington Capitals seriously have to think about making some significant changes to the core of their team after another playoff disappointment? Or did they just happen to run into a unique Penguins team, a la the Houston Oilers vs the Steelers in the late 1970's?

I'm a big believer in the potential of Gregory Polanco, but becoming a non-believer in his performance. Seeing him misplay yet another ball yesterday causes me to doubt him even more. Time to take the training wheels off with him.

Of all the players the Steelers drafted, which of the incoming rookies is likely to have the biggest impact THIS season. The easy pick is T.J. Watt, but that's not the guy I'm thinking of. At 1:30, Matt Williamson will break down how the rest of the division did in the recent draft, and assess the biggest winners and losers.

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